Timothy Miles, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Project Director
Associate Professor/Extension Specialist
Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Michigan State University
Email: milesti2@msu.edu

Peter Oudemans, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Professor and Director of the Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension
Department of Plant Biology
Rutgers University
Email: oudemans@rutgers.edu

Mengjun Hu, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Associate Professor
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Maryland
Email: mjhu@umd.edu

Chakradhar Mattupalli, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor
Berry and Potato Pathology Program
Department of Plant Pathology
Washington State University
Email: c.mattupalli@wsu.edu

Virginia Stockwell, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Horticultural Crops Research Unit
Corvallis, Oregon
Email: virginia.stockwell@usda.gov

Josh Vander Weide, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture
Michigan State University
Email: jvander@msu.edu

Jonathan Oliver, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Associate Professor/Fruit Pathologist
Department of Plant Pathology
University of Georgia
Email: jonathanoliver@uga.edu

Kevin Sullivan, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Assistant Director of Statistical Analysis
Office of Research Analytics
Rutgers University
Email: kps@njaes.rutgers.edu

Yuzhen Lu, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Principal Investigator
Assistant Professor
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Michigan State University
Email: liyuzhen@msu.edu

Kerri Neugebauer, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Grant Manager
Research Technician
Small Fruit and Hop Plant Pathology
Department of Plan, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Michigan State University
Email: neugeba4@msu.edu

Luisa Parrado, Ph.D

BLUE DYNAMO Web Designer and Developer
Research Associate
Small Fruit and Hop Plant Pathology
Department of Plan, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Michigan State University
Email: parradog@msu.edu

Extension Educators

Chris Benedict from Washington State University

Kathy Demchak from Pennsylvania State University

Gary Pavlis from Rutgers University 

Cheyenne Sloan from Michigan State University

Graduate Students and Postdoctorals