Stakeholders on the Advisory Panel

Massimo Lorizzo from North Carolina State University. Role: Project Director, VacCAP

Lisa DeVetter from Washington State University. Role: Co-PI, Blueberry Pollination SREP

Creela Hamilin from Michigan Blueberry Commission. Role: Research Chair/ Michigan Blueberry Grower 

T.J. Hafner from AgriCare NW. Role: Blueberry Agronomist – Oregon

Richard Bélanger from Laval University. Role: Canadian Research Chair – Plant Protection

Craig Austin from Syngenta. Role: Agronomist for Blueberries

Brandon Raso from Variety Farms, LLC. Role: New Jersey Blueberry Growers/Owner

Bryan Sakuma from Washington Blueberry Commission. Role: Washington Blueberry Grower

Drew Afton from Nestle Corporation (Gerber). Role: Blueberry Procurement for North America

Albert Wildes from Georgia Blueberry Growers Association. Role: Georgia Blueberry Grower and Scout